Being a mother isn’t easy, but I believe finding support should be.

What if I told you that you could be a present, devoted mom and still hold on to the parts of yourself that make you, you? 

At Mom/Me Be Well, we help you shift unhelpful thought patterns that keep you stuck in feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation. We meet you where you are on your motherhood journey to offer community, support systems, and tools so you can reach within for help whenever you need it.

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders affect 1 in 5 moms.

PMADS can occur between conception and 1 year PP.

25% of women with Postpartum Depression still have symptoms 3 years later.

The internet will tell you that you’ll start feeling like yourself 6-8 weeks postpartum. I’m here to tell you that for many women, that is not the case.

So many women feel guilty or ashamed for not “bouncing back” once they’re out of the official postpartum period. But the truth is, it can take moms up to 2 years to feel recalibrated to their new version of normal. Which means that women who have multiple children may be navigating physical, emotional, and mental changes for years, all while feeling pressured to recover on a timeline that’s not their own. 

It may feel like you have lost yourself in the trenches of motherhood but it is also a place where you can rediscover YOU too. Learn more about our virtual Moms Support Groups and individual therapy services for Connecticut moms. 

Hi, I’m Melissa

I am SO glad you are here! I am a mom to three myself (ages 6, 4, and 1 year), and a licensed professional counselor with a passion for helping moms. 

I myself know just how joyful and trying motherhood can be. It feels like just yesterday I was home with my firstborn, overwhelmed and overanalyzing, stressing myself sick over whose advice I should take and whose I shouldn’t. I often found myself tearful and crying at the end of each day, not knowing at the time that I was experiencing baby blues! 

But the next thing I knew, I was pushing my third born around the grocery store during his nap because I HAD to get out of the house. And that was when I realized that all that ever mattered was what worked best and felt right to me and my baby. Now my mission is to help other moms realize the same thing.

I look back and wonder as a therapist…

What if we could set moms up with support systems in place before baby is born? Would women then feel more resourced to reach WITHIN when they need help, instead of feeling trapped in cycles of isolation and not knowing how to ask for and receive support?

You don’t need a diagnosis to ask for help.

Motherhood is filled with so much love and joy, but it can also be all-encompassing, emotionally taxing, and can take a toll on our sense of identity. 

I want you to feel support during every stage of your wellness journey and know that no matter what you are experiencing, you will always be welcomed & supported. 

“I felt so supported and validated.”

Thank you for running a group like that. It was really nice to learn some new things as well as just talk about similarities of people in the same spot I am currently. Virtual was the best format for me so I could be home with my baby and feed her/rock her if needed, I did feel supported and validated throughout the group, I loved just hearing other peoples perspectives on things it helped me be a little more open minded.”